The process of setting up your Kindo store is easy. It starts with us sending you a Classroom box of 30 NitKits on consignment. That means you don’t pay for them until you sell them, and you can distribute them from the office as soon as someone buys one from your store.
On consignment, NitKits cost $16 each (ex GST). You can of course sell NitKits on your Kindo store at any price you like. The RRP is $29.95 (inc GST) - which is the price we sell them online. If you sell at RRP you can make $12 per NitKit in pure profit, so it’s a great fundraising tool for you (possibly the only silver lining on a nit outbreak in school!)
To add an ISpy NitKit into your Kindo Shop follow these simple instructions_
Go to Item Editor
Click ‘Add new’
Name the item_ ISpy NitKit
Set the default Price_ $29.95
Click to add description - add this description : ISpy NitKits contain everything you need to get rid of lice and nits quickly and easily. NitKits contain ISpy Lotion that kills live lice in 30 mins and Ispy Glo-powder that makes nits glow under UV light (included in NitKit) making them easy to see and remove. Use your NitKit right and you’ll be nit-free in an hour or less.
GST exempt - NitKits are not GST exempt
You may want to add stock numbers
Save and Publish
Go to Service manager page
Add the service_ ISpy NitKit
Click add / remove categories (then select your Ispy Nitkits from the List)
Select always open (5years) Recommended for general services
Save & Publish to make your NitKit visible in your caregivers
Your service is now live on Kindo shop
If you are a Kindo payables school and you want to add this to an individual student please add the item on Kindo Payables
Download high-res pictures of a NitKit for your store.
Download the ISpyNits School Marketing Assets
Once you are up and running we encourage you to include links to your Kindo store in all of the nit-related communications you send out to parents and caregivers.